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Dr Steven Laureys is an award-winning neurologist, recognised worldwide as a leading physician & researcher in the field of consciousness & cognition.
Appointments for a private video-consultation or second-opinion are made through this website.
Afspraken voor een privé video-consultatie neurologie gebeuren via deze site.
Les rendez-vous pour une vidéo-consultation neurologique privée ou un deuxième avis se prennent via ce site.
For other appointments / voor afspraak in andere centra / pour toute autre prise de rendez-vous : TRAINM Neuro Rehabilitation Clinics, Antwerp , Zottegem or Amsterdam (+32 3 283 0223)
Prof Laureys is renown for for his expertise in altered states of consciousness, cognitive disorders, neurorehabilitation, recovery of brain function, traumatic brain injury, concussion, coma, stroke, locked-in syndrome , vegetative state/unresponsive wakefulness, minimally conscious state and near-death experiences; but also sleeping, memory and motor disorders, chronic pain and headache, and stress related symptoms.
In over 25 years of clinical experience, he has studied neuroplasticity and the power of the mind using neuroimaging and neuromodulation techniques but also hypnosis & meditation. With his team, he has published over 540 scientific articles on the workings of the brain. You can get more info on his personal website, via his public talks, books or press articles.
Expertscape, an organization that ranks medical experts, has Prof Laureys ranked as a world-leading neurologist for the past 10 years.
Thanks for your trust and looking forward to listening to your unique story.
Ik kijk er naar uit om jouw verhaal te mogen kennen en je bij te staan in je genezingsproces. Dank je voor je vertrouwen.
Merci pour votre confiance. Je suis reconnaissant d'entendre votre histoire personnelle et de vous accompagner dans votre processus de guérison.