Dr. Karl Waked

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Dr. Karl Waked is een gediplomeerd plastisch, reconstructief en esthetisch chirurg, opgeleid in Brussel, Parijs, München en Marbella. Hij is gespecialiseerd in esthetische en reconstructieve borstchirurgie, body-contouring, microchirurgie en injectables. Operaties vinden plaats in het UZ Brussel en Delta Chirec, met bovendien privé-consultaties in Keerbergen (De Keerweg) en Brussel (Ogeeplast Clinic). Daarnaast opereert hij op regelmatige basis in Marbella.

Dr. Karl Waked est un chirurgien plasticien, reconstructeur et esthétique qualifié, formé à Bruxelles, Paris, Munich et Marbella. Il est spécialisé dans la chirurgie esthétique et reconstructive du sein, le remodelage du corps (bodycontouring), la microchirurgie et les produits injectables. Les opérations ont lieu à l'UZ Brussel et au Delta Chirec, avec des consultations privées supplémentaires à Keerbergen (De Keerweg) et à Bruxelles (Ogeeplast Clinic). Il exerce également régulièrement à Marbella

Dr. Karl Waked is a licensed plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeon trained in Brussels, Paris, Munich and Marbella. He specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery, body contouring, microsurgery and injectables. Operations take place at the UZ Brussel and Delta Chirec, with additional private consultations in Keerbergen (De Keerweg) and Brussels (Ogeeplast Clinic). He also operates in Marbella on a regular basis.

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  • 2008 - 2015: Master in Medicine with great honours (magna cum laude)
  • 2015 - 2022: Plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgeon with the highest distinction (summa cum laude)
  • 2022 - 2023: Additional fellowship in high-definition bodycontouring and gluteal aesthetics in Marbella and New York


  • Fluid Balance After Tumescent Infiltration: A Practical Guideline to Avoid Dilution Anemia in Circumferential Liposuction Based on a Prospective Single Center Study - Aesthetic Surgery Journal
  • Visualizing the Individual Arterial Anatomy of the Face Through Augmented Reality - A Useful and Accurate Tool During Dermal Filler Injections. - Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum
  • Infrared Thermally Enhanced 3D TOF MOTSA MR Angiography for Visualizing the Arteries of the Face. - Magnetom Flash
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Prix et récompenses

  • 2022: Aesthetic Surgery Journal Best paper of the Year for "Visualizing the Individual Arterial Anatomy of the Face Through Augmented Reality - A Useful and Accurate Tool During Dermal Filler Injections."
  • 2022: Best presentation award at the Royal Belgian Society for Plastic Surgery Spring Meeting
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